Week of December 3rd!

Reading- This week our focus will be using fix-up strategies to helps us understand words. For this comprehension strategy we will focus on context clues and replacing unknown words with synonyms. We will also work on onomatopoeia and continue on finding evidence in the text. This week we will be reading two stories out of our Rigby book. One is a fantasy and the other is an expository. Later in the week the students will be able to showcase their knowledge on fix-up strategies by completing our theme 7 ongoing test practice.

Writing- This week your student will write two short writing pieces. On Tuesday they will write a fantasy story and on Wednesday they will write an expository. Later in the week your student will get to decide which piece they publish and turn in for a grade. We also will continue working on our magnet reports. This piece is our quarter two writing piece. Today we worked on our rough draft. Tuesday and Wednesday we will focus on adding definitions and pictures/captions. Our goal for the end of the week is to have the rough draft of this report done. Our grammar focus for this week will be irregular past tense verbs. We will continue to work on this skill until break.

Math- Over the last couple weeks we have transitioned to fractions (unit 3). This unit can be found in the important links tab. Our focus for this week is fractions on a number line. Thursday and Friday we will begin working on equivalent fractions and will continue this skill next week.

Science- This week we will use our science time to continue working on our magnet reports. Next week we will continue in our Forces and Motion unit.

Upcoming Dates:
December 7- Wear Flannel
December 7- Weekly Math Quiz
December 21- last day to take AR quizzes for quarter 2

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