Theme 16: Recycle and Renew

Theme 16: Recycle and renew
Focus: Purpose for Reading (determine importance)
Big Idea: When you understand your purpose for reading, you are able to determine which information is important
Review: Decoding and word Analysis (fix-up strategies)
Big Idea: use letter sounds and word parts to figure out the meaning of words you do not know

Big Idea: tells how, where, or when an action is performed.
Example: I ran fast on the way home. (FAST)
Comparative and Superlative Adverbs
Big Idea: Comparative adverbs are formed by adding -er to one-syllable adverbs, or by adding the word more or less before longer adverbs. Most superlative adverbs are formed by adding -est to one-syllable adverbs, or by adding most or least before longer adverbs.
Examples: My sister and I raced Dad. Dad ran fastest. (Fastest) I ran faster than my sister. (faster) Although my sister ran slowest, she runs more often. (slowest/ more often)

Word Study Week 1: consonant doubling
Big Idea: When you add an ending to words with a consonant-vowel-consonant patter, you have to double the consonant before adding the ending.
Example: get = getting
Word Study week 2: syllables
Big Idea: a word part with a vowel sound
Example: garbage (two syllables: gar/bage)

Writing: Letter
Big Idea- A letter has a heading (date), Greeting (Salutation, Body, Closing (Example: Sincerely), and signature

Target Skill: analogies
Big Idea- A comparison of two things
Example: The snow was like a blanket.

Theme Test: May 16th
Writing Piece (letter) is due Thursday, May 11th!

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