Week of September 24th!

Reading- This week we will be focusing on our Rigby reading series. We will start the week off with a Freckle reading assignment. Tuesday and Wednesday we will be reading out of the Rigby book and focusing on inferring. At the end of the week, your student will be able to show what they have learned about inferring by completing the ongoing test practice. The fifth question on this assignment is what we call a “literary analysis” or “response to literature.” When grading this assignment we look for the correct answer as well as proof from the text.

Writing- Your student will continue to work on their quarter one writing piece this week. Our goal is to finish he rough draft on Monday. Later in the week we will begin “analyzing” their writing and taking it through the remaining steps in the writing process (revising and editing). In addition to this writing piece, your student will also write two short writing pieces. On Tuesday we will read a realistic fiction piece and then your student will write one. On Wednesday we will read an expository passage and then your student will write one. Later in the week your student will choose which ONE they would like to publish and turn in for a grade.

Math- This week our focus will be the commutative property, associative property, and the distributive property. When using the commutative property, the students will see that 3X5 will equal the same as 5X3. The associative property will focus on three factors. The students will see that no matter what order they are multiplied, they will always get the same answer (example: 3 X (4 X 2) = (3 X 4) X 2). With the distributive property the students will be able to take a multiplication problem and split it into two smaller ones. Example: 5 X 10 = (5 X 5) + (5 X 5) OR
5 X 10 = 5 X (5 + 5)

Science- We will begin our first science unit! Our focus will be “Water.” On Tuesday we will focus on the words absorb and waterproof. On Wednesday we will focus on surface tension and water on a slope.

*It is book fair week!
Monday- Dress like your favorite fairy tale/book character
Tuesday- wear read and white or come as a toad
Wednesday- wear a mismatched outfit and/or crazy hat or hair
Thursday- Wear Pajamas
Friday- bring your favorite forest stuffed animal or dress like one
*We are getting to the end of the month. Check in with your student and make sure they have read at least ONE nonfiction (and one fiction) book in September.

Week of September 17th!

Reading- I can use evidence in the text to support a claim! The students will continue to work on answering questions about a text and then finding the evidence to support their answer. The questions this week tend to focus on character traits.

Writing- I can write a quality narrative! Your students have written three short writing pieces so far this year. Starting this week, your student will begin writing their very first long writing piece. We will work on this for the rest of the quarter. With our long writing pieces, we take the students through the entire writing process. The past couple weeks, we have been working on prewriting; however, your student will actually begin drafting their piece this week! You can see their progress by accessing their google docs.

Math- I can use fact families to solve an unknown number and describe the commutative and associative properties! We will continue working on fact families the first part of the week. Fact families are a simple skill; however, they are crucial in helping students find an unknown. In third grade your student will see problems like 7XS=42. If your student understands fact families, they will be able to turn this problem into 42 divided by 7 in order to figure out the unknown (6). On Friday we will introduce two multiplication properties and continue to work on them the following week.

Science- We have now finished up our social studies unit for quarter one and will be moving onto science next. However, we will not begin these activities until the week of the 24th!

September 21st: Half day SIP day (students dismissed at 11:15)