Theme 5: Times Have Changed

Theme 5: Times Have Changed
Focus: Monitor Understanding
Big Idea- when you monitor your understanding, you stop and think about whether you understand what you are reading.
Review: Synthesizing
Big Idea- When you synthesize, you gather information from the text to say it in a new or different way.

Vocabulary: Pages 148 & 162

Grammar: Commas in a series
Example: Sarah, Elizabeth, and Brooke went to the bookstore.
Review: Compound Sentences
Big Idea: two complete sentences that are joined by a conjunction. Example: She went to the movie, and she did her homework. (common conjunctions: and, but, or)

Word Study Week 1: ou and ow words
Example: proud and eyebrow
Word Study week 2: oy and oi
Example: Toy and foil

Writing: Poem
Big idea: Most poems have rhythm and rhyme.

*Theme 5 Writing Pieces: Adventure and Poem
*Theme 5 test/Writing piece due: October 31st
*Theme 5 Wonder Wednesday: November 1st

Next Week! 10/23/17

I can…
Reading- monitor my understanding. *Theme 5 blog post coming soon!
writing- write an adventure and a poem!
Math- name the properties of multiplication, multiply/divide, and solve two-step word problems!
Social Studies- describe what our country was like a long time ago!

Upcoming Important Dates:
Weekly Math Quiz: October 27th
Theme 5 Test: October 31st
Halloween Party: October 31st @ 1:45

Week of 10/2!

I can…
Reading- infer and find the evidence in a text!
Writing- publish a realistic fiction OR science fiction, write a quality conclusion, and write a quality CE-I-E-I!
Math-describe and use the commutative and associative properties of multiplication

Theme 3 Test/theme 3 writing pieces due: Tuesday, October 3rd
Theme 3 Wonder Wednesday: Wednesday, October 4th
Weekly Math Quiz: Friday, October 8th
Quarter 1 Independent Reading goals: Last day for AR quizzes is October 13th!

Theme 3: What is Light?

Theme 3: What is Light?
Making Inferences
Big Idea: Inferring means you use what you know to help you understand what you are reading. This process involves taking the information from the text and combining it with what you already know to form a new idea.

Review: Ask Questions
Big Idea- In order to ask a quality question, you first have to know the main idea of a passage or section. The main idea is what the paragraph/section is mostly about. Your question should be related to the main idea.

Target Skill: Rhythm and Rhyme
Big Idea: Rhyming words have the same vowel and consonant ending
Example: see-bee, eat-feet, Sam-ham

Grammar: Compound Sentences
Big Idea: two complete sentences that are joined by a conjunction. Example: She went to the movie, and she did her homework. (common conjunctions: and, but, or)
Declarative Sentences
Big Idea: these types of sentences are statements. Example: She likes going to school everyday.
Interrogative Sentences
Big Idea: these types of sentences are questions. Example: What are you doing today after school?

Word Study Week 1: Long Vowel Sound
Big Idea: A word has a long vowel sound if you hear a,e,i,o, or u. Examples: Bake and light
Word Study Week 2: ch, sh, th, and wh words (consonant digraph)

Realistic Fiction
Big Idea: This writing genre is a made up story; however, it could actually happen in real life. These stories have: characters, plots (beginnings, middles, and ends), settings (where the story takes place), and often times a theme (central message).
Big Idea: All paragraphs have a main idea, and the details in the paragraph all support that idea.

Theme 3 Test: Tuesday, October 3rd
Theme 3 Writing pieces: Realistic Fiction and Science Fiction (Students will choose one to publish and turn in on October 3rd)