Theme 8: Predicting Nature’s Hazards

Theme 8: Predicting Nature’s Hazards
Focus: Determine Importance
Big Idea: When you determine importance while you read, it helps you understand the main idea of a passage. Within each paragraph some details are more important to the main idea than other details.
Review: Use Fix-up Strategies
Big Idea: Context clues help readers understand what a difficult word means. Sometimes replacing the difficult word with a synonym helps you better understand what a word means.

Vocab: pages 252 and 266

Singular and Plural nouns: A singular noun is one person, place, or thing. A plural noun is more than one person, place, or thing.
Example: Singular- Snake; Plural- Snakes
Irregular plural nouns: To make most nouns plural, add -s or -es; however, some nouns are irregular.
Example: Singular- man; plural- men

Word Study week 1: Homonyms
Big Idea: Homonyms are two (or more) words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings
Example: Raise and Rays
Word Study Week 2: word endings -ed, -ing, and -s
Big Idea: These endings change the meaning of the word.
Example: Walk vs. walked (past tense), laugh vs. laughing (present tense), and storm vs. storms (more than one)

Writing: Observation Log
Big Idea: This genre of writing keeps track of observations over a period of time. It uses dates, times, and details to keep track of change.

Theme 8 Test: Tuesday, December 20th

This week and next!

I can…
Reading- determine the main idea and important details.
Writing- write an observation log.
Math- use and interpret data.
science- describe the three types of rocks

Theme 8 test: December 20th (Taken before Grinch Day begins!)
Grinch Day: December 20th
Measurement and Data Math Test: December 16 (study guide will be sent home on Wednesday)

Canvas: Grammar Games

Be sure to check out

There are various lessons posted to help your student with our theme tests! Your student uses canvas at school, so they will be able to show you where everything is! 🙂

Next Week!

I can…
Reading- use context clues and cite the text!
Writing- publish my adventure OR expository piece and revise/edit my historical fiction!
Math- use graphs and line plots to interpret data!

Theme 7 Test: Tuesday, December 6th
Theme 7 Wonder Wednesday: Wednesday, December 7th (9:05-10:05)