Theme 11: Our Solar System!

Theme 11: Our Solar System
Focus: Draw Conclusions (infer)
Big Idea: Use what you know and what you read to make a decision about the text
Review: Author’s Purpose (ask questions)
Big Idea: Asking a question about the author’s purpose helps you understand the main point of a reading. *The questions are focused around the main idea.

Separating Adjectives
Big Idea: use commas to separate two or more adjectives
Example: He walked down the long, narrow hall.
Comparative and Superlative Adjectives:
Big Idea: When comparing two things, add -er. When comparing three or more things, add -est.
Example: A half-dollar is bigger than a quarter. A dime is the smallest coin of all.

Word Study Week 1: Adjectives
Big Idea: words that describe nouns or pronouns
Example: soft, favorite, little
Word Study week 2: prefix un-
Big idea: the prefix un- means “the opposite of” or “not”
Example: unknown = non known

Writing: fantasy
Big Idea- In a fantasy story, an author writes about fictional, or made-up, events that couldn’t really happen.

Target Skill: symbolism
Big Idea- when an author uses symbols, or objects that stand for something else in their writing. Read: King for a Day (pg. 380-381) 🙂

This Week!

I can…
Reading: draw conclusions (infer)!
Writing: write an alternate ending to a fantasy story!
Grammar: use and identify adjectives in my writing!
Math: use draw polygons and use unit fractions!
Science: explain what a simple machine is!


Third grade will be going on a field trip to the HULT center on Tuesday, February 16th! We are planning to leave DGS around 8:30 and will return before lunch (around 10:30)!

Carnival Raffles
3L’s Basket Theme: Family Eats Out
3M’s Basket Theme: Sleepover Fun

You can send in items/donate cash between February 1st and February 19th! Save the date for our school carnival on February 27th! 🙂

This Week!

I can…
Reading- determine author’s purpose/ask questions.
Writing- write a procedural text and create a “commercial.”
Math- describe polygons and split them into equal parts.
Social Studies- describe goods and services.

Our music program is Tuesday night at 6:30! 🙂

Theme 10 Money Matters

Theme 10:Money Matters
Focus: Author’s Purpose (ask questions)
Big Idea: Asking a question about the author’s purpose helps you understand the main point of a reading. *The questions are focused around the main idea.
Review: compare and contrast (make connections)
Big Idea: you see how things are the same or different

Singular and Plural pronouns
Big Idea: A singular pronoun is one person/thing (he, she, etc) a plural pronoun is more than one person/thing (they, we, etc)
Subject/Object Pronoun:
Big Idea: pronouns include both subject pronouns and object pronouns. Subject pronouns include I, you, he, she, it, we, and they. An object pronoun (me, you, him, her, it, us, and them) is used as the object of a verb or as the subject of a prepositional phrase.
Example: I let her read my book and asked her to give it back to me on Friday.
Proper Noun Review
Big Idea: Specific people, places, and things get capitalized
Action Verbs
Big Idea: specifically describe what the subject of a sentence is doing (jumping, hiking, swimming, smiling, etc).

Word Study Week 1: Reference Materials
Dictionary: gives the meanings of words and also the pronunciations and parts of speech
Encyclopedia: gives information about different topics
Thesaurus: lists the synonyms of words
Word Study week 2: Action Verbs

Writing: Procedural
Big Idea- this genre includes steps or a procedure for doing something

Target Skill: repetition of language
Big Idea- words are often repeated to help the reader understand an important idea

This Week!

I can…
Reading- determine an author’s purpose!
writing- write a procedural text about my new invention!
Grammar- use pronouns and capital letters correctly!
Math- find area and perimeter and identify common polygons!
Social Studies- explain supply and demand!


Math Blizzard Parent Night: Tuesday, February 2nd in the DGS cafeteria (Presented by: Mrs. Donavan, Mrs. Norman, Mrs. Piper, Mrs. Wooden and Mrs. Ellis)

Carnival Raffles
3L’s Basket Theme: Family Eats Out
3M’s Basket Theme: Sleepover Fun

You can send in items/donate cash between February 1st and February 19th! Save the date for our school carnival on February 27th! 🙂