Theme 9: From Factory to You!

*Since we do not have school Wednesday afternoon (January 27th), we will be modifying this theme’s wonder Wednesday. We will be combining wonder Wednesday (watching Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium) and social studies. Since we are just watching a movie on Wednesday, we will not need any volunteers. In the upcoming weeks, your student will be creating a new invention during social studies. This movie will help them brainstorm ideas! 🙂

Theme 9:From Factory to You
Focus: Compare and Contrast (make connections)
Big Idea: you see how things are the same or different.
Review: determine importance
Big Idea: When you determine importance while you read, it helps you understand the main idea of a passage. Within each paragraph some details are more important to the main idea than other details.

Contractions: a shortened version of a word
Example- Cannot = can’t, will not = won’t, they are = they’re
Pronouns and Antecedents: A pronoun takes the place of a noun. The antecedent is what the pronoun is replacing.
Example- Dillon and Jayden love watching action movies because they are exciting. The pronoun “they” has replaced “action movies”
Noun- a person, place, or thing
Proper Noun- a specific person, place, or thing
example- Thanksgiving, Mrs. Ellis, May

Word Study Week 1: Nouns
Word Study week 2: Proper Nouns

Writing: Story
Big Idea- Stories have characters, setting, and a plot.

Target Skill: personification
Big Idea- when human qualities are given to animals, objects, or ideas.
Example: My computer throws a fit every time I try to use it.

This Week!

I can…
Reading- Make connections by comparing and contrasting story elements!
Writing- use pronouns and possessive nouns!
Math- find area/perimeter and identify geometric shapes!
Science- explain the Earth’s layers and weathering/erosion!
Social Studies- explain goods/services and supply and demand!

Dress up days:
Monday- Kindness is Golden: Wear Yellow
Tuesday- Appreciate each other’s differences: wear mismatched
Wednesday- Score for Friendship: Wear Sports Apparel
Thursday- Be someone’s Hero: Dress like a hero
Friday- Warm your hearts with kindness: wear pajamas

Theme 8: Predicting Nature’s Hazards

Focus: Determine Importance
Big Idea: When you determine importance while you read, it helps you understand the main idea of a passage. Within each paragraph some details are more important to the main idea than other details.
Review: Use Fix-up Strategies
Big Idea: Context clues help readers understand what a difficult word means. Sometimes replacing the difficult word with a synonym helps you better understand what a word means.

Singular and Plural nouns: A singular noun is one person, place, or thing. A plural noun is more than one person, place, or thing.
Example: Singular- Snake; Plural- Snakes
Irregular plural nouns: To make most nouns plural, add -s or -es; however, some nouns are irregular.
Example: Singular- man; plural- men
Singular/and Plural possessive nouns: An apostrophe added to a noun makes the noun a possessive noun. The apostrophe goes before the s for a singular nouns and after the s for a plural noun
Example: Singular- student’s; plural- students’

Word Study week 1: Homonyms
Big Idea: Homonyms are two (or more) words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings
Example: Raise and Rays
Word Study Week 2: word endings -ed, -ing, and -s
Big Idea: These endings change the meaning of the word.
Example: Walk vs. walked (past tense), laugh vs. laughing (present tense), and storm vs. storms (more than one)

Writing: Observation Log
Big Idea: This genre of writing keeps track of observations over a period of time. It uses dates, times, and details to keep track of change.

Rounding to the nearest 10 and 100!

Nearest 10- Big Idea:
1. determine the two 10’s the number is between
Example: 16 is between 10 and 20
2. look at the one’s place. If the number is a 1,2,3,or 4, round to the smaller 10. If the number is a 5,6,7,8, or 9, round to the larger 10.
Example: 16 is rounded to 20

Nearest 100- Big Idea:
1. determine the two 100’s the number is between
Example: 147 is between 100 and 200
2. look at the Ten’s place. If the number is a 1,2,3,or 4, round to the smaller 100. If the number is a 5,6,7,8, or 9, round to the larger 100.
Example: 147 is rounded to 100

This Week!

I can…
Reading- determine importance!
Writing- write an observation log!
Grammar- use singular nouns, plural nouns, and possessive nouns!
Math- add and subtract within 1,000 and multiply using 10!
Science- describe how minerals are identified and used!