This Week!

I can…
Reading- use evidence from the text to support my answer!
Writing- use our editing list to write quality responses!
Math- determine the rule!
Science- describe characteristics of a rock!

This Week!

I can…
Reading- use fix-up strategies to determine word meanings!
Writing- write an adventure story with a quality ending!
Grammar- use common/proper nouns correctly and identify concrete and abstract nouns!
Math- solve two step word problems and determine the function (pattern)!
Social Studies- describe early America!

Tips for Solving Two- Step Word Problems

Two-step word problems can be tricky! Try answering these questions to get started:

1. What is the question?
*Make sure you always know what you are trying to figure out.

2. What steps will get me the answer? (multiply, divide, add, subtract, or do a combination of these?)
*Always remember that math should make sense. Would your answer be reasonable?

3. What do I know?
*Make sure you understand what is happening in the problem. Reread each sentence until you understand the “story.”

Don’t forget to always show your work! 🙂

Theme 7: On Moving Ground

Theme 7: On Moving Ground
Focus: Using Fix-Up strategies
Big Idea- Context clues help readers understand what a difficult word means. Sometimes replacing the difficult word with a synonym helps you better understand what a word means.
Review: Creating Images
Big Idea- Creating images helps you better understand what you are reading. *Using your senses helps support this reading strategy: sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and feelings.

Target Skill: Onomatopoeia
Big Idea- These are words used to describe sounds.
Example: BRRRRING! pop!

Grammar: Common nouns
Big Idea- a non specific person, place, thing
Example: cat, man, school
Proper nouns
Big Idea- a specific person, place, thing
Example: Mrs. Ellis, Dunlap Grade, Thanksgiving
Concrete Vs. Abstract Nouns
Big Idea- A concrete noun is something you can physically see or touch. An abstract noun is something you cannot see or touch.
Example: Concrete noun- dog/ Abstract noun- love

Word Study Week 1: Synonyms and Antonyms
Big Idea- Synonyms mean the same (example: big and large), antonyms mean the opposite (big and small)
Word Study Week 2: Multiple meaning words
Big Idea- Some words have more than one meaning (example: The leaves are in a pile. She leaves early for work.)

Writing: Adventure Story
Big Idea- Adventure stories have unique settings (where the story take place). These stories involve the characters participating in a new or exciting experience.