Next Week!

I can…
Reading: decode words using fix-up strategies!
Writing: write an adventure story!
Grammar: identify concrete and abstract nouns!
Math: solve two step word problems!
Social Studies: describe early America!

Three Multiplication Properties

Commutative Property
Big Idea- This property involves two factors. No matter what order these factors are multiplied, you get the same answer.
Example: 2 X 3 = 3 X 2 = 6

Associative Property
Big Idea- This property involves three factors. No matter how these factors are grouped, you get the same answer.
Example: 2 X (3 X 4) = (2 X 3) X 4= 24

Distributive Property
Big Idea- This property takes one large multiplication problem and splits it into smaller multiplication problems (normally two problems).
Example: 8 X 14 = 8 X (10 + 4) = (8 X 10) + (8 X 4) = 112

Theme 6

Theme 6: Roads to Travel On
Focus: Creating Images
Big Idea- Creating images helps you better understand what you are reading. *Using your senses helps support this reading strategy: sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and feelings.
Review: Monitor Understanding
Big Idea- you stop and think about whether you understand what you are reading.

Grammar: Sentence Combining
Big Idea- Sentences can be combined to help writing appear more fluent.
Example: Monday night Mark went to soccer practice. He went with his dad.—— Monday night Mark went to soccer practice with his dad.
Commas in Dates
Example: November 15, 2015

Word Study Week 1: Silent Consonants w, h, and B
Examples: write, hour, and lamb
Word Study Week 2: Silent Consonants b, g, gh
Examples: night, doubt, sign

Writing: Newspaper
Big Idea- Newspaper articles focus on the five Ws: who, what, when, where, and why

This Week!

I can…
Reading: create images using the text as evidence!
Writing: write a newspaper article based on a picture!
Grammar: combine sentences and use commas in dates!
Social Studies: I can describe life in two native American tribes!
Math: I can find the area of two rectangles combined!

This Week!

I can…
Reading: create images!
Writing: describe facts and opinions and a newspaper article!
Grammar: combine sentences!
Math: multiply and find area using the distributive property!
Science: build a circuit!

*Videos and explanations for theme 6 and upcoming math skills are coming soon!