Dunlap Grade Spirit Week: December 15th-19th

Monday: Dress like your favorite winter character (snowman, reindeer, etc.) or white out day (wear white to look like a snowman)

Tuesday: Wear your favorite winter or holiday hat or headband

Wednesday: Mismatch Day (wear your crazy patterns, socks, and hair)

Thursday: Grinch Day (wear green or dress like the Grinch)

Friday: Red and green Day
Classroom Parties @ 12:45
Dismissal 1:45

Explore More Monday!

Theme 7: On Moving Ground

emm fire

We began by sitting around a fire and listening to three Native American stories. These Native American stories tales told how something came to be.

emmstory 1emm story 2

Next it was our turn! We split into small groups and choose one thing that happens in nature. We then created our own stories to help describe how it occurred for the first time! 🙂

Next Week!

I Can…
Reading: Use Fix-Up strategies to help me understand the text
Video: Fix-Up Strategies

Writing: write an adventure story
Narrative Rubric

Grammar: Identify concrete and abstract nouns and use common and proper nouns correctly

Math: use the distributive property to solve multiplication word problems
Multiplying by 10… the proof behind the “trick” 🙂

Social Studies: describe how Native Americans shared the land and how factories changed communities